homehopedonatemeartupdate contribute

Apr 9, 2008

Wanted: new brain

This is my first official post in this new blog site. What do you think? I know you all like the pictures but I've misplaced my camera so I don't have any new pictures to share. Yup first my wallet, then my camera... sigh I'm so very sad.

It's the chemo brain. I've had 13 low-dose chemo treatments and will be getting 6 treatments in higher doses. With each consecutive dose my brain keeps going away.
Doctors say my memory will come back once the chemo stops, and it did. We took a 6 month break after my 6th chemo treatment and my brain started to return but my doctor insisted on more treatments.

I enjoy reading and have lots of time to do it but i can't focus or remember for more than a page or two. It's amazing how much I don't remember beyond just forgetting a word or two. Added to the fact that I don't do too much means I have less to say.

I dunno. I will be in a better mood tomorrow... hopefully.

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